04:45:59 Loading profile <_io.TextIOWrapper name='gursAddressesConflationProfile.py' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'> 04:45:59 Read 2 items from the dataset 04:45:59 Splitting bbox [45.8618871, 14.4150602, 45.862391, 14.4150654] at lats 45.8618871..45.862391; area decrease 100% 04:45:59 Overpass query: [out:xml][timeout:300];(nwr["addr:housenumber"](45.8588871,14.4120654,45.8648871,14.4180654);nwr["addr:housenumber"](45.859391,14.412060199999999,45.865391,14.4180602);); out meta qt center; 04:45:59 Downloaded 4 objects from OSM 04:45:59 Matched 2 points 04:45:59 Adding 0 unmatched dataset points 04:45:59 Deleted 0 and retagged 0 unmatched objects from OSM 04:45:59 Done